We received a fantastic collection of over £750 at Louise’s funeral with further donations bringing us to over £1,000. We have matched this and donated it to two charities that support homeless people in London – a cause that mattered a lot to Louise:
St Mungo’s provides over 1000 beds – and much more – for London’s homeless people. We are best known for our outreach work and hostels for rough sleepers. But hostels are just 11 of our 60 housing projects, and we do much more than simply provide shelter! Each night over 1200 people sleep, in safety, under a St Mungo’s roof. Our range of care homes and specialist hostels, supported housing and short-stay hostels mean we can help homeless people and those most vulnerable to homelessness, as well as people sleeping rough on the streets. Our specialist workers meet a variety of needs, from help with mental health problems to drug abuse to support in setting up a new home. We run two day centres, and St Mungo’s also provides London’s largest directly delivered activity, training and employment programme – giving 2000 homeless and vulnerable people a year a chance to improve their lives.
Centrepoint is the leading charity helping homeless and socially excluded young people to rebuild their lives. Every night we provide housing and a tailored package of support to over 800 homeless young people, and in doing so, prevent them being exposed to the dangers of sleeping rough.