Vicky: She was one of life’s great contributors; fun to be with, imaginative, witty -lets not forget clever – and beautiful. Its not a hole but a gaping chasm. We are devastated. Let’s remember her as the life force she was. Thankyou.
Gabriella Chloe: We may be forced to let go of your body and allow it to pass into the next stage, but we are each tethered to your soul and your essence and you will never be forgotten.xx
RIP Louise….. Robbed from us at such a young age – Heaven must be bright with colour and beauty now you’re there!!!! Please people – be aware and take care…
Louise I’ll miss you forever. You were the greatest, funnest, most amazing person I’ll ever know. RIP darling. I love you. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you and miss you already, but these things I’m sure you already know. You’ll never not be all of my heart
I feel like I have lost a soulmate and a sister and want to be around people who knew the wonderful Louise xxx
I don’t believe you are gone Louise, I can see you so clearly… I can feel you here with me now, I love you so much. I will never forget the 10 wonderful years I have known you for such good times, my wing man at school. Missing you already, I hope we be joined together again in another life. I’ll be seeing you xxxxxx
We will miss you louise, you beautiful girl. xxx
Puts everything in perspective.
We all need to meet up more. Celebrate life in a not-necessarily-hedonistic way. Appreciate real friends.
Louise Cattell my angel of a friend I can’t believe you have been taken away from me, I didn’t know I had so many tears in me. A day won’t go by where I won’t think about you. I love you always my little star, I know I will see you again one day. X
Louise, I could not believe the txt I got from my friend Amy who was with me at Melt when I meet you 3 years go. Truly shocked to hear that such an amazing, vibrant, creative, special individual such as your self is no longer with us. I wish, I don’t know what I wish but, above all that this was not true and that I had spent more time… getting to know you. However from the few times we meet I have truly fantastic memories. My thoughts go out to your close friends and family who must be truly devastated.
Rest in peace you truly fantastic and much loved beautiful person.
Heather Ellis: Louise, this is so hard to write as you were always so full of energy and smiles. Such a truly beautiful person. All my memories of you are happy ones – homemade mojitos… singing Sinead o’Connor at the tops of our voices … djing at the Coronet… that paper skirt… ALL the outfits and hairstyles… Fleetwood Mac on repeat… extreme eyelashes. No matter how crazy the situation, you were always able to make anything and everything so much more optimistic and lighthearted. So sad we won’t get to see you again- it’s incredibly hard to believe. You’ll be missed sunshine x
Jess: My lovely friend Louise, who was a force of goodness and beauty and who I am going to miss no end. I know you’re somewhere peaceful now, but I still think I’m going to see you hula hooping in the garden. This Tuesday I will be eating pancakes with nutella and bananas in your honour and toasting you with a mojito, as was the way. Love you, Lou. xxxxx
Gabreilla Chloe: I remember when you sung Cabaret at school in a music lesson and I remember thinking you had the most unexpectedly spectacular voice and that I wished I had the confidence to stand up and sing the way you did with so much life and energy. I was in awe and you completely inspired me. That was only one little moment where you were an in…spiration, there were countless others to me and to so many other people. I will never hear Cabaret again without remembering your performance, you gave it so much meaning and really did live life like a Cabaret. Your wild side was infectious and that moment will inspire me forever more. xxx
Samantha Porter (Badger): Beautiful Louise, I remember when we first met, you were 15. You were so young, it wasn’t until a time later I realised just how young you were, such a confident creature. I read one of your blogs today and in it you said you don’t do things by halves, how true this was. Your lust for life and drive was an inspiration to everyone that… had the pleasure of meeting you. One song that reminds me of you is Giddy Stratosphere by The long Blondes, I think it’s because you used to sing it really really loud in Flynns whilst flashing your awesome camera everywhere. It feels strange putting these words together and I don’t know what’s right or wrong, but it’s come from my heart. This has had a overwhelming effect on myself and everyone that knew Little Lou. An absolute tragedy. Anytime I feel down or think life is bad I will picture your little face and smile for you.
Louise, I’ve been trying to think of what I want to say for nearly the last 48 hours. I never imagined this happening, because you were always so full of life…sitting on my bed with Tabs after everyone ditched us on my hen night, or you beating everyone the other week to become the reigning Apples to Apples champion (a testament to your humour)…you are immortal through all the wonderful memories you’ve left with everyone. And as I always said, you’re my number one girl crush and always will be (I think Shabz was wrong–we all should’ve been girlfriends). You’ll never be forgotten x
Aaron:You came into my life in a flash. You left far too soon. You’ll stay in my heart forever. ♥ xxx
I dont understand. I just saw you last week. Always was a highlight mucking around at shows and we always said we need too see each other more. Gutted i missed sharing more moments with u Louise. Beautiful Beautiful louise. x
Dearest little Lou. I have never met anyone as charming or fun-loving as you. I remember first meeting you about 3 years ago while you and Kylie were DJing. I am so glad we met. I feel lucky to have known you and spent time with you. You will be missed so much. My thoughts are with all your family and friends. XXXXX
Jess: My lovely friend and neighbour. Keep thinking I’m going to see you through my window, and not sure I’ll ever stop. So much love to you wherever you are. Xxxxxxxx
Gaby: We may be forced to let go of your body and allow it to pass into the next stage, but we are each tethered to your soul and your essence and you will never be forgotten.xx
Christopher Matthew Kerrigan:
Thank you Louise.
“Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay…”
I love pandas. It is a fact, a truly objective sentiment, which is compounded by the assocation those who know me make between those black & white super mammals and myself! Contained here within are my general musings and thoughts relating to pandas – I also endeavour to use this blog as a platform
posted by Chris
“When thou sigh’st, thou sigh’st not wind,
But sigh’st my soul away ;
When thou weep’st, unkindly kind,
My life’s blood doth decay.
… It cannot be
That thou lovest me as thou say’st,
If in thine my life thou waste,
That art the best of me.
Let not thy divining heart
Forethink me any ill ;
Destiny may take thy part,
And may thy fears fulfil.
But think that we
Are but turn’d aside to sleep.
They who one another keep
Alive, ne’er parted be.”
Laura C: it was a truley perfect send off for our dear Louise Cattell she was done proud. Your in our hearts forever little Louise love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Daz Ahern: vicky/ross/tommy, I have only known you a week, but yet you have made probably the biggest impact on my life. I can only look up to you all with the amount of inspiration you have eminated. I have so much respect and love for you all, and you have given, in the space of a week, what Lil Lou gave to me over several years, I wish I met you all sooner under better circumstances. Don’t be strangers, lots love me
Jemma Japhet: today just felt so final, goodbye Little Louise Cattell. You’ll be missed so dearly by all who knew you xxxxxxxx
Rebekah Lydia Campbell: R.I.P Louise. One of the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my life. Just heard via newspaper which was not good. the shock soooo shocked. X
Gemma Alycia Taylor: You brought so many people together today who had thought they might not speak again. You were the shining part of it all. We didn’t get that dance but I will remember you xxx
Evelyn Hughes: Had the best time with Louise Cattell and all who sail in her. Thank you all so much. It was perfect. I love you all xxxx
Lou, you’re so beautiful. I wish you could hear all the beautiful things that have been said about you today. All the beautiful things we’ve realised. Everyone has promised never to take each other for granted, to make time for each other. I got to meet your amazing mum. It was a wonderful day, and it was fun, too! You would have loved it. I know you were there, somehow. I love you. Thank you for everything you’ve given us all. I love you, little Lou. I hope you’re having fun xxxxxxxxx
Adele Knight: As the day looms closer to your funeral there is this overwhelming realisation that you are gone. Love you Louise. Keep smiling x
Leticia Hoffman: I’m sitting here in front of the keyboard just thinking what would be the right words to say, what words would be enough to encapsulate how I feel now your gone, nothing can describe the person you were. Perhaps the word sensational would be fitting but even that is not enough. You were never afraid to be who you where and that I admire.
Laura Campbell: Louise Cattell one of the weekends I stayed at your parents we played this song a million times!!! this was also the weekend I met Urania Brown , Alex Hammond , Dodger DeTune when we all went back and bounced on the bed to this song, tried wigs on etc! oh im so happy i found this song i had a complete blank to what it was called xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (oh Marie – Ladyfuzz)
Marie Evans: Louise, Your candle burned out long before your legend ever will xXx
Janine Cliff: Always on our minds and in our hearts. To know you is to love you. Sweet dreams xxx
James Phillips:
This song will always remind me of Louise (remember her outfit at chris’s birthday a few years ago)- She really was Simply The Best. x
Adele Knight: Louise Cattell all of these amazing memories are still going through my mind. They start off with you bringing me to Tommy Flynns for the first time ever where I got to meet some amazing people!!! Always had a fabulous time with you, never be forgotten!!! xxxxx
Shola Aleje: Stunning ceremony…. Hope you’re happy where-ever your soul maybe floating…. Rest in sincere peace xxxx Shola Aleje Yes, it was such a fitting tribute to her, the playlist at the pub afterwards was perfect and encapsulated her essenes and love of life through te beautiful form of a song…. I’m sure she’s at peace whereever she is xxxx
Max Mitch: the next bright shiny star in the night sky
Chloe Lianos: goodbye Louise Cattell. what a beautiful and moving ceremony. you were loved by so many that people were spilling through the doors.
you will forever be remembered.
Eva Di: Goodbye Beautiful u will always have a place in my heart!R.I.P x
Dion Troubadour Power:
Louise Cattell is flying all around us.
Today, so many people stood at the farewell ceremony to experience more of her inner light, which continues to shine through all that knew her.
Now, we will drink in her name, remember her face with a smile, and love each other like we loved her.
A thousand kisses, sent to the sky. x
Kia Helena Ure-Reid: little lou, wish i could be there today. always will remember you, this crazy smiling little lady, so much heart and pizazz, such a speical lady who has touched so many,. Love to vicky and family, thoughts r with u in this hard time, working in italy atm but will send pictures when back. All the best xxxxxxxxxxx
Aaron Clarke: Thinking of you so much today, wish i could be there with all of the people who know you and love you.
Lots of love from our little corner of the world xxx
Charlotte Mindel: The sun is shining for you today, Louise Cattell, I cant believe today has come, its gonna be hard to say goodbye ♥
Bobby Needs: Goodbye Lou – Heaven Won’t Know What’s Hit It!!! xxx
Rachael Spink: I wish I could be in London today to say goodbye with all the people who knew you and loved you. I’m there in the hearts of all our friends and you are here in mine.
Today Bex, Ash and I had a special tribute lunch for you at Lentil. We know how much you loved that place and we wrote a message on the bathroom wall for you.
I love you an…d will always love you. Thank you for being a true friend xo
Janine Cliff: Is going to say a fond farewell to the beautiful Louise Cattell, she touched all our lives and was truly an inspiration to those who met her. Such a great loss to us all, but I feel so privilidged to not only have met her, but to be able to call her my friend. RIP titch, all our love Janine and Mikey xxx
Pete Foto: you were and i will never forget you. darling. a true friend…always happy always smiling.
Vicky: Today is the day we say goodbye to Little Lou, and the brightest of lives is finally extinguished as she disappears into the ether yet remains with us in our hearts
Gaffy Gaffiero: Thinking of you all x. Im proud to say i captured this moment… omg she was so good that night… it was a poon beauty pageant and she entered. personally, i think she should have won!! xxx
Evelyn Hughes: Tomorrow is going to be sad, little Lou, but I’m happy that you will be there in spirit to see just how much so many people love you. I can’t wait to celebrate your life with you. I wish it wasn’t like this, but I’m glad we all get to say goodbye to you together. I finally got my little bengal kitten on Saturday, I wish I could tell you in person! I have a brightly coloured dress to wear to your party, I am going to look a bit like Little Bo Peep. I wonder what you would wear. Sleep tight, big day tomorrow xxxx
Kate Pooler: Louise I’ve been on this page every few hours since Wednesday and have never quite mustered words…I remember you with a plait down to your bottom, sucking your thumb, clutching that string of rag you loved so much. I remember rock climbing in the lake district with you when we were 10 maybe? you were far better than me. I always loo…ked forward to any family get-together for the excitement of what colour’s louise’s hair going to be today? and what’s louise going to be wearing this time? you were an incredibly creative, hilarious, perceptive, selfless and kind friend; I always looked up to you, and I’m so happy to have known you all my life. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there yesterday, but it sounded like an extraordinary day. all my love to the Cattells, you are so dear to my heart. XXXXXXXXXX
Gillian Rolet: Rest in peace. I wish I could have got to know you better. I remember meeting you for the first time in school and being amazed by how much confidence, energy and kindness you shared with everyone. You really were an inspiration to so many of us. All my love xxxxxxxx
Chloe Lianos: you were the one I always looked up to in school lou. the fabulous cool older girl in the year above. always a new hair style, a new piercing and some fabulous bright neon lycra leggings. that’s how i’ll remember you. i feel so lucky to have known you. rest in peace and so much love to your family and friends. xxx
Rachael Spink:
Louise Cattell
Your love is my love and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
Mimi Kaz: lovely louise, may your soul rest in peace. you are never to be forgotten. all my condolences to friends and family. xxxxx
Dot Remkowska: Just got the reality check………I can’t believe I want see you again angel xxxxx love you forever Lou. You parents are amazing. You are amazing baby. It not fair. I’m going to miss you beyond everything xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jemma Japhet: Really enjoyed seeing everyone today and reminiscing about what a fantastic person Louise Cattell was. Thank you to her family for being so welcoming xxx
Djan Ivan Mirroman: R.I.P You Will Always Be Loved. xxxxxxxxx
Tas Elias: RIP Louise. An incredible woman and a beautiful soul who will be sorely missed. Love you forever. My sincere condolences to all of Louise’s family and friends x
Martin Roux: RIP Louise. I still remember that night when, by chance, I met you and Maz in Paris.
All my thoughts goes to your family and friends
Meduse Enchante:
one of my fondest memories xx
Sanna Naapuri: No matter how crazy the situation, you were always able to make anything and everything so much more optimistic and lighthearted. So sad we won’t get to see you again- it’s incredibly hard to believe. You’ll be missed sunshine xxxxxx
Luke Sheppard: Louise, I could not believe the txt I got from my friend Amy who was with me at Melt when I meet you 3 years go. Truly shocked to hear that such an amazing, vibrant, creative, special individual such as your self is no longer with us. I wish, I don’t know what I wish but, above all that this was not true and that I had spent more time… getting to know you. However from the few times we meet I have truly fantastic memories. My thoughts go out to your close friends and family who must be truly devastated.
Rest in peace you truly fantastic and much loved beautiful person.
Rob Burnham: Hi Vicky, I only just saw this and am really gutted. Louise was one of the nicest, most genuine people on the London scene, and I am sad to now realise that I did not spend anywhere near enough time with her. I just hope the many comments on here show what a wonderful daughter you have, and how many people will miss her. xx
Katy Loveday: Louise, all the girls at INCA are going to miss you so very very much!!!! We had so many fun and amazing times with you…Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Erin Wilson: My dear friend, confidante, and little angel Louise Cattell, there is so much I would like to be able to say to you. You were a always by my side whenever I needed you, and always put a smile on my face no matter what. I will miss you everyday.
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply here.
I thought I’d post up this. I remember in Christmas 2004 you posted the words in German in our forum. I was quite touched because it was before it was really easy to find things online. You actually went to a proper effort to get the words, just based on a flippant comment I had made.
Before I left London at the end of 2005 you had been a consistent friend for about a year and a half. Never faltering. When I came back after two and a half years away, you were one of the very first to make an effort to welcome me back. You were one of the first to make friends with Elle who was new to London. We went drinking, we went dancing, we did pub quizzes, we met your lovely Mum, you went shopping with Elle and for that I thank you so much. I never really did before.
There is so much hyperbole when someone dies about what a great person they were, usually it’s a load of oul bollocks but you really were the real deal. Truly one of the brightest, friendliest, loveliest, cutest, sassy and sussed young ladies I have ever met and it’s just so awful that we will never see you again but fantastic that we managed to have you in our lives at all.
We have all been so lucky to know you and love you.
Zac xxx
Sweet little Louise – we were so close when I looked after you – i’ll never forget our cute smile, kindness and ability to surprise!
It was Spring 2005 when Louise and I were sat in her bedroom and David Bowie’s “Rebel Rebel” came on the speakers. She sprung off bed and danced round her room, jumping on surfaces, arms and legs flailing freely without a hint of self consciousness, for the full duration of the song, with such swagger and energy and effervescence that every time I’ve heard a Bowie song since, I’ve thought of her dancing, and imagine that I always will. At the time of her death, I hadn’t seen Louise for a couple of years, but I’ll always remember her as a truly joyful, uniquely vibrant, wild-spirited person, that the world is a grayer place for losing. x
Missing you Louise. So much I wish we could’ve shared and I hate that for the last year we didn’t hang out like all the years before. I still remember the night we met-you 14, me 15 at Barfly in Camden both looking like the odd ones out, drawn to each other and talked non stop whilst all the bands played!
We could’ve recorded so much more Pop n’ Roll tracks. Chicken nugget will always be a hit. You’re keyboard harmonies rocked.
Yesterday I sat out on my balcony, watching the sun dancing on the water, dappling it gold, orange, greens and hues I don’t know if I’ve ever seen before. It was beautiful. And there was something around me that felt different, the sky seemed bigger and brighter than it ever has, yet I felt closer to it and to everything. Difficult to describe so I wrote a poem. Will type it up and put it on here. I miss you. Lots. love love love xxx
With deep respect I read the life story of Louise and her family. In Bosnia and Hercegovina I work with young people who are touched with drugs. All these people are the most wonderful and we need to do everything to help them to fulfill their dreams and be free. My admiration to parents and her brother for being positive about Luise. I pray for a young woman here who has three small children and who wants to be free. Unfortunately our culture of alchohol and drugs is a continual agreession agaianst the freedom of our young people. Once when we are free only then our journey for freedom begins. Peace! fr svetozar