Zachery Stephenson: As you know I was and am an atheist but what happens to us after what happened to you I don’t know. All I know is that science can’t explain the human spirit and in your case that is particularly so.
All I can imagine is last night, you on a cloud leaning towards us and God, or whatever that is tugging your sleeve and saying ‘Louise, …sorry honey, no’ and you pursing your lip and saying ‘Oh come on, gimme a break’.
We raised a hundred glasses to you at Steeles and beyond last night and I will continue to do so.
I’m even drinking a rum and milk now and thinking about you.
Miss you beyond words. A big big love. xxx
Matt King: I am so unbelievably shocked about this sad news. It was only last week we were having fun at fashion week with you telling me to take a picture of you infront of hillary alexander with your icn pass so you could get a free bottle of champagne! Ha ha And both of us throwing as many vodka and red bulls down our throats at a party. You were such a nice girl and so much fun, I’m gutted I didn’t know you better than I did 🙁 you will be missed greatly by many! R I P Louise lots of love, Matt xx
Thea James Johnsen: Such a tragedy I can’t believe it’s true, rest in peace little Lou ♥
Mariam Zafarani: Only just managing to get past the fact that your gone and bring myself to say goodbye. My dear Lou, will miss you dearly. Every day spent with you was an adventure, from our pink unicorn graffiti runs to our paris adventure where no one would let us in because they thought we were a lesbian couple, I dunno where to start really. You had such an infectious appetite for life which brought light to all those who were lucky enough to know you, I will greatly miss you xxxx
Maeve McKinlay: little louise, you were beautiful and spirited and so kind. it doesnt seem real that your gone. i will miss you. i treasure memories of you when we were just fifteen and everything seemed within reach. im so sorry. x x x x
Sofia Johansson: My memories of you Lou Lou goes way back when you were only 7, dressing out with a coconut bra and sang all these funny made up texts. I laught so much that night. I guess you continued that way, spreading your sence of humor…reading all comments from your friends and family shows how much you loved life and how loved you are. I als……o remember your long hair that I every morning had to fix before school. I loved those moments even I never told you! We lost contact for a while, but that doesn´t mean I dont care about you little Lou. You and your family welcomed me with open arms and I shared a lot of secrets with you, even you were only 8 and I 20, you gave me some good advice and support! Loved you like a sis…
You take care now silly little Lou Lou and you will always have that special little place in my heart
Nastee McQuaid: what a pointless fucking tragedy. Im so sorry, you were so much Louise. It seems like a lie and I miss you xx
Zoë Jenkin: Cannot believe this has happened, wish we could all wake up from this horrid dream. Love you gorgeous kind Louise. Such an energetic, colourful & beautiful person, always the life and soul. I will miss you dearly sweet friend. xxxxxxxx My thoughts go to Louise Cattell’s family and anyone who had the pleasure of knowing her xxxxxxx
Jamie Perrett: Such heartbreaking news. Louise, you will forever be remembered and loved. I’ll never forget the 1st time I met you at Glastonbury in 2005, dancing around a camp fire in Los Vagueness in the early hours singing Runaway by Del Shannon. You had such zest for life and an infectious spirit. I only wish I’d known you better. My thoughts go… out to her family and close friends. Sleep well little Louise xxx
Old footage I got from a show called ‘the golden age of Rock and Roll” – excerpted from a 1964 – 1965 syndicated television series entitled “Hollywood a Go-Go”, which originated from KHJ-TV (now KCAL-TV) in Los Angeles. I believe This was broadcast August
Vicky Unwin: Friends of Louise: this is her mum: I expect by now you know she drowned in her bath in the early hours of weds morning. She had taken a cocktail of drung inlcuding Ketamine so when she decided to watch a DVD in the bath she just fell under and never woke up. What a pointless and stupid way for our lovely girl to leave us and lose everything that was yet to come. My real message here is: PLEASE STOP WASTING YOUR LIVES BY TAKING DRUGS THEY KILL.
Bobby Needs: My thoughts are with you & anyone who had the pleasure/experience of having such a wonderful girl in their life…Such a tragic waste of one so beautiful. R.I.P Lou xxxxx
Evelyn Hughes: I’m so sorry for your loss, Vicky. Louise was an incredible person. I hope it helps a little to see how loved she was by everyone that knew her. Incidentally, Lou is not the first. See:
A prominent psychedelic researcher and ketamine advocate; he died exactly the same way as she did. Please be careful xxxx
Stewart Golfsaleriots: Shocking and sad news. Great character who was sweet and genuine. Thoughts are with family and friends xx
Jessica Jasmin: bye louise. gorgeous girl.
Marc Carlaw: Our loss is heavens gain. You will be missed terribly. RIP Louise x
Corinna Shea: you are a beautiful sweetheart
Kate Grudzinskas: RIP Lil Louise
Oh lou lou, the brightest spark, the fearless stance, the kindest heart: I remember it all. This can’t be real. The first time I met you I was in bed, and you burst through my door with Aslan wearing a mask. It scared the shit out of me!!!! You taught me c…onfidence and strength from day one, and to think you were only sweet 16. As I pause to see your beautiful smiling face and hear your laugh the world around me collapses. And here I am talking to you, as I have all day, making my stomach squirm and my heart ache. These are a few of my photos of you from a day in the park for your send off, which will be huge I am sure for someone so well loved. I have so many more as you were always there, but they will never be enough. I have never felt so helpless and alone being so far away. To your beautiful family: I am sorry for your loss. Louise is and will always be the brightest, most positive, most ambitious & most creative person I have ever met. Thank you for making my life so much richer.
Charlotte Mindel: You always made the most out of life, i know you’ll make the most out of death wherever you are right now. I have such amazing, funny memories with you, i’ll never forget. Rest In Peace Louise x
Evelyn Hughes: I never got to tell you I am finally getting a bengal on Saturday. I can’t believe that we were talking about it at Proud just two weeks ago. Rest in peace, beautiful xx
Bex Lianos: i miss you 🙁
Vicky Unwin: your lovely comments on Louise wall exude the love and sense of loss we all feel for her. we wil organise a proper send off, a celebration of the joy she brought to all our lives in due course to which all her closest friends will be welcome. Kylie, Anastsia and Chris will be working on it. Meanwhile please send us by email or via FB any photos you have for her memory book.
Rachael Spink: vicky, i’m so sorry we have lost our beautiful lou lou. you were not only her wonderful mother but her treasured friend. she spoke of you with such admiration and loved you with all her heart. i’m finding it very difficult to be in australia…, away from our friends that knew and loved her the most. louise was one of the first people that befriended me in london when i knew no one and she has been such a special friend to me over the years. i’m so grateful i got to spend so much time with her in australia. she really blossomed here and all my friends fell in love with her. i don’t know if it will ever stop hurting.
i’m thinking of you and your family and sending you my love x
Jude Bullock: rest in peace – you were a wonderful and extraordinary person who made the world a brighter place.
Dan Rudge: Still can’t believe what’s happened, such a tragedy! Beautiful young soul with the world at your feet x
Zachery Stephenson: ”Sweetheart, do not love too long, for I loved long and long, and grew to be out of fashion, like an old song.”
All through the years of our youth
Neither could have known
Their own thought from the other’s,
We were so much at one.
…But O, in a minute she changed–
O do not love too long,
Or you will grow out of fashion
Like an old song.
Kylie G: I’m still hoping I’ll wake up from this awful dream. I have so many amazing memories of you from Easter egg hunts, to our first ever Dj gig, to silly tattoos in Liverpool. You were easily the most amazing person I had the honour of knowing, always the life and soul. I’ll always miss you and I’ll always love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amy Collins: Rest in peace Louise. I’m sorry I didn’t know you better, you seemed such a lovely and funny person. My thoughts are with your family and those who knew you. Love xx
Thea James Johnsen: You are such an amazing soul little Lou, so full of love and so obviously loved by all. I’m so lucky and greatful to have spent the short amount of time with you that I did, although I can only wish that I could have spent more. My heart goes out to all of your family and every one of your friends. I’ll look after Bex, don’t you worry ♥
Lyndsey Critchley: Sweet dreams Louise xxxxx
Adele Knight: I am just sat here thinking of all the fun we all had back in the day and it seems so unreal that it has ended. This really is heartbreaking but I know you will still be carrying on the fun for us where ever you may be. You are special to so many people and you will always have a place everybodies heart. Love xxx
Sabine Sajjadi: Such a generous, happy and vibrant person. Love xxx
Chloe Apter: R.I.P Louise, I wish I had known you better, all the memories I have of you are you smiling, happy and absolutely hilarious, being kind to anyone and everyone, always being there to help cheer anyone up. We have lost someone truly special, talented, and wonderful and my thoughts are with your family, loved ones, and anyone that knew what a special person you were in this tragic time. All my love xxx
Topher Taylor: I don’t know what to say Louise. Where do I begin? I remember dancing with you when we were both the only underage ones in East London. What a unique person you are. My thoughts are with you, and with your family. I am heartbroken to hear it… I will always remember you when I walk past the Kebab shop in Mornington Crescent. What a huge loss. Rest in Peace Louise xoxox
Holly Louise Eells: RIP Louise, you will always be in our thoughts, we had some amazing times together, I will never forget, lots of love x x x
Terry P Shaw: Toodle pip, the world will miss your gorgeous face xxxx
Tre Stead: Just heard the news – such an awful thing to happen to such a lovely, beautiful person. RIP Lou xx
Zoe Ana Strauss: Loved you Louise, will never ever stop crying for you..:…..X
Luke Matthew: im in so much shock louise 🙁 hope ur resting in peace we will all miss you so much it was a pleasure having got to know and work with u i really enjoyed it u will be truley missed 🙁 such a wonderful, young and beautiful girl taken away from us too soon R.I.P louise xxxxx
Jude Bullock: Absolutely devastated by this news. Louise you were a terrific person and so full of life, may you rest in peace and may those who had the privilege of knowing you treasure your memory. God bless and keep you.
Sarah Nagi: Tragic news, I hope you’re resting in a better place Little Lou. Gone but never forgotten x x x
Leah Ludlow: Such a shock and a waste of a life. We are all going to miss you louise xxxxx
Ricky Stanton: litltle louise R.I.P xxx
Lauren McCreath: RIP Louise! So glad to have met you in your adventure to OZ! ♥
Helena Turgel: So many happy memories of you little one. Just mourning, horribly the ones we’ll never have xxx
Pucci Dellanno: this is how I remember Louise really… I found this photo looking around a bit…
James Woodgate: such a beautiful life cut tragically short, you will be sorely missed.
Katie-may Taylor: ill miss u little lou , so unfair. thoughts to all your nearest and dearest xxxx
Alex Lyons: Rest in peace sunshine x
Phoebe Liebling: R.I.P Louise, the world has lost someone truly special xxxx
Jessica Loveday Berlin Davies: RIP Little Louise Cattell. Sleep tight xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx