Oisin Butler: miss you already so much. ♥
Amy Preece: Such a wonderful inspiring friend, words can’t even describe how devistated I am, so much love xxx
Richard T A Borges: R.I.P darling! xxxxx
Miya Mizuno: Deepest sympathy to your family and everyone who was touched by your happiness. I’m so sorry we lost you, bubbly little Louise.
Flo Bascombe: devastated. Pop ‘n’ Roll for ever xxx
Alex Hammond: Fucking hell mate, the only place I want to be right now is in The Steels with everyone else that knows what the world has lost and I’m in the back seat of a hatchback on the way to Manchester hoping my band don’t notice the tears rolling down my face. I love you Hungry Goldfish, little sister.
Palex. xxxx
Alfie Gatsby Milner: Little Lou. You were literally the only one in a million. Devastated. Love to your family and everyone that ever met you. xxxx
Tony Golban: We are devastated at the sad, premature and untimely passing of Louise Cattell. All our Love Julie and Tony, xxx
Evelyn Hughes: Rest in peace, Louise Cattell. Too sad for words. Hope you’re still smiling x
Evelyn Hughes: I can’t believe this is true. I’ll miss you so much, lovely little Louise. You lived and laughed enough for ten lifetimes but this is just too sad. I don’t really know what to say. You were always the only person younger than me at gigs. I’m going to miss bumping into you and being thrilled, but lamenting that we hardly ever saw each other. I hope you’re resting happy, beautiful light xxxx
Lauren Wendy Darling Capulet: I am completely in shock…..I quite literally cannot believe this has happened…so sad my angel. X
Sally Dunstone: Louise, the world will be a duller place without you. Deepest sympathy to your family, you will be greatly missed and never forgotten xxx
Chloe Lianos: lots of love. always the role model at school x
Tine Casbolt: My heart missed a beat when I heard. I am so sorry, you will be missed by everyone that loves you!
Nancy-Alice Dimpfl: So terrible….you will be missed forever xx
Gabriella Chloe: ♥ all my love and thoughts are with you and your family. I hope you find a more beautiful place x
Anastasia Barker-Laszczak: i love you so much. words can’t describe how much i will miss you x
Sara Belle:
A beautiful soul
A star to light the night sky
Always in our hearts
Ian Ashton: Louise RIP, that great energy and fun will be truly missed, xx
Polly Allden Lloyd: So, so sad. You will be missed hugely by everyone xxxxxx
Kristian James: Oh no!!
It’s true!
Louise Cattell
one of the best.
Rylan Cutting: Louise you will be missed so very much. Sleep well lovely. Love.
Salla Venäläinen: RIP Louise, never saw you without a smile on your face. My deepest condolences to the family. xxx
Tabitha Martin: I don’t know what to say. I love you so much I will miss you so much, this is too sad for words xxx
Emily Lemon Clark: Little lou, the gorgeous girl with the red shoes in nambucca all those years ago! RIP you will be truely missed xxx
Trevor Gerard: Louise Cattell was genuinely one of the most interesting people I have ever met… the world is poorer without her and the strange little light she had inside. goodbye. xxx
Tamsin Both: Louise, an amazingly beautiful soul, will love you and miss you forever x
Bex Lianos: I’ll love you always little lou.
Alice Mccraith: So sad, RIP xxx
Jessica Becker: Rest in peace beautiful louise x
Henna Kivinen: Can this be true?! Goodbye little Louise Cattell. I don’t know what to say. You were a sunshine to everyone who met you. I love you forever. x
Chris Paton: Rest in piece my darling, you were a truly magical person that the world has been robbed of! Xxxx
Janine Cliff: Can’t believe it…Rest in peace Louise Cattell You truly were one of a kind ♥
Em Dab: Louise, a truly unique soul; beautiful, adventurous, creative, intelligent and kind. I’m glad I had the opportunity of knowing you. I will miss you dearly my friend x x x x
Jessica Loveday Berlin Davies: Sleep well beautiful. Xxxxxxxx
Janine Cliff: I don’t know what to say, brightest star in the sky tonight babe. You’re going to be missed little lady :'( xxx Love to your family and all those who loved you xxxxx
Jemma Japhet: Goodbye little Louise Cattell, you truly will be missed xxx
Jolene Eglese: I can’t believe Louise Cattell has been taken from us. Such a fun, beautiful, talented girl. RIP my little friend ♥
Carina Steinmetz: You will be missed terribly…x
Jolene Eglese: I’ll miss you Louise, you are beautiful. X
Jennie Bonnalie: Will miss you gorgeous Louise xxx
George K: Not fair. x
Adele Knight: I have never known somebody to have so much fun, laughs and love with and I am sure all will agree. You make a lot of people very happy. Lots of love to you and your family xxx
Eva Di: We will miss u x
Ant Meads: The coolest person I’ve ever met and also one of the nicest. X
Jeff Leach: I am beyond stunned. A bright light in the lives of everyone who met you. Life is unfair, you had so much love, talent and warmth to give the world. I feel like to have even known you, but to be your friend, to confide in each other and to share our dreams with each other makes me feel so blessed. To know you was to love you. Never fo…rgotten and always admired.
My love, support and condolences to your family. Soar high angel and may heaven be full of fancy dress and exhibitionist dancing Xxxxx
Jenny Beddard: We’ll all miss you Lou, deepest sympathies to your family xxx
Iona Kirby: sleep tight sweet girl XXXXXXX
Missy Russell: We will miss you louise, you beautiful girl. xxx
Samantha Porter: My love to your family and friends. Rest in peace sweetheart. Love you xxxxxxx
Jemma Japhet: You will be missed x x x x x
Shola Aleje: A great lose to us all, RIP Dear louise xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Melissa Cowell: This doesn’t seem real…you’ll be missed Little Lou xxx
Grace E: louise i love you xxxx
Urania Brown: Louise the world will never be the same without you. We will miss you so much. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sam Voulters: Amazing girl. You’ll be so missed. Xx
Dean Golden: you beautiful girl. i will miss you. X X X ♥
Laura Campbell: the sweetest kindest person Louise Cattell will always remember our great adventures. love always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cherry Williams: I can’t believe it! Such a great lady, we will miss u.
My thoughts are with your family xxxx
Marie Evans: No words can describe how dull the world will be without your vibrant colours Louise.. You are already greatly missed. All my thoughts are with your family at this tragic time. Xxxx
Zachery Stephenson: Devastating news. Can’t stop shaking. Going to the pub. RIP Louise Cattell. xxxxxx
Charlie Sachs: I don’t believe you are gone Louise, I can see you so clearly… I can feel you here with me now, I love you so much. I will never forget the 10 wonderful years I have known you for such good times, my wing man at school. Missing you already, I hope we be joined together again in another life. I’ll be seeing you xxxxxxx
Dot Remkowska: I’m going to miss you. No one had fatty Thursday’s we like did !!! amazing angel. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Scottee Scottee: Little Louise, one of my favourite moments was wearing a paper outfit and swinging you around by your ankles at All You Can Eat and performing at you & your Mums birthday. Your enthusiasm, smile and presence will never be forgotten. Until next time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Zachery Stephenson: Guten nacht lovely lady. Heartbreaking. :’-(
Pucci Dellanno: oh Louise I also am speechless… x
Dominic Jones: the sweetest heart and the biggest energy. ♥
Nekhoh Brown ‘Aslan’: I’m at a loss for words…you’re so gonna be missed
Laura Mcevoy: A wonderful person to know and love. X
Elle Buckley: A truly marvellous lady, full of adventure and mischief x
Alan Jewels: one of a kind x
Carina Steinmetz: A song Trevor dedicated to Louise…
we miss her very much here and talk about her often. It is very hard from this distance to understand what happened. With love xxx
Leave It All Behind Me by Thunderbird Gerard on SoundCloud
Roberta Flack “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” (1969)